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Welcome to Pagan Gatherings!

We are a New Hampshire-based group who hold gatherings to honor the holidays of the pagan community. Our events are inclusive, family friendly and fun!


Watch for more information coming soon!


Check out our list of Vendors and Psychic Readers!


Pagan Gatherings

The Pagan Gatherings group came about when several of its founding members were looking for affordable, local events to attend. There are several wonderful events in New Hampshire that we all do attend, but they are a distance away. We wanted something closer to home and less expensive.

Then it occured to us, perhaps we should start one ourselves!

The Beltane Gathering is the first of these local Pagan Gatherings.


Our Mission


To welcome Pagans from across New England to events that are inclusive, supportive, affordable and family friendly. To educate the public where we can, and to enrich each other's lives with stronger community ties.

We hope to leave our community better than we found it through our charity work:

Each event will endeavor to support a charity through donations or other types of optional fundraising. Please see the Our Charities page for more information.


Bright Blessings!

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